
The Bible contains many interesting texts revealing discoveries that were not made until long after the books of the Bible were written. The following is a list of some of those texts and is covered in more detail in the book Scientific Facts In The Bible by Ray Comfort.

The Earth is floating in space. - Job 26:7

Atoms - Hebrews 11:3

The Earth is round. - Isaiah 40:22

Oceanography - Psalm 8:8

Radio Waves - Job 38:35

Entropy (things become more disordered and wear out) - Isaiah 51:6

Water cycle - Ecclesiastes 1:7, 11:3, Amos 9:6

First Law of Thermodynamics - Genesis 2:1

Ship dimensions - Genesis 6

Air currents - Ecclesiastes 1:6

The weight of air and water - Job 28:25

The Earth's rotation - Job 38:12, 14

Springs of the sea - Job 38:16

Light made of seven colors - Job 38:24

Light traveling - Job 38:19

Dinosaurs - Job 40:15-24

Laws of hygiene - Leviticus 15:13

Mental and physical health - Proverbs 14:30, 15:30, 16:24, and 17:22

Spoiled food - Exodus 22:31

Fat Intake - Leviticus 7:22-24

Immune system development in babies - Genesis 17:12

Laws of quarantine - Leviticus 13:46

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